show mcast cache

show mcast {ipv4 | ipv6} cache {{vlan} name} {{[group grpaddressMask | grpaddressMask] {source sourceIP | sourceIP}} {type [snooping | pim | mvr]}| {summary}}


Displays multicast cache information.

The display can be limited to entries for specific VLANs or groups, and it can be limited to specific types of entries, such as those created by snooping protocols, PIM, or MVR.

Syntax Description

ipv4 Specifies the IPv4 address family.
ipv6 Specifies the IPv6 address family.
name Specifies a VLAN name.
grpaddressMask Specifies a multicast group address and mask.
sourceIP Specifies the source IP address for a multicast group.
snooping Limits the display to cache entries created by PIM or IGMP snooping.
pim Limits the display to cache entries created by PIM.
mvr Limits the display to cache entries created by MVR.
summary Specifies the summary display format.


Displays information for all entries in the multicast cache.

Usage Guidelines

If the configure forwarding ipmc lookup-key mac-vlan command is configured, the following message displays: displayed:

NOTE: Traffic is forwarded based on MAC address. Actual traffic forwarded based on the installed MAC address need not be the same displayed in this command, if overlapping IP multicast addresses are used in the network.

If the mode is mixed-mode, the following message displays:

NOTE: Traffic could be forwarded based on MAC address. Actual traffic forwarded based on the installed MAC address need not be the same displayed in this command, if overlapping IP multicast addresses are used in the network.


The following command displays all multicast cache information:

# show mcast cache
Snooping/MVR Cache Timeout: 300 sec
Type Group             Sender               Age  InVlan
snoop      17   snvlan
Vlan             Port        Vid
snvlan           2           400
23          400
snoop            2    pmvlan2
Vlan             Port        Vid
pmvlan2          4           402
snoop            17   pmvlan3
Vlan             Port        Vid
pmvlan3          23          403
snoop            11   pmvlan2
Vlan             Port        Vid
pmvlan2          4           402
snoop            14   pmvlan3
Vlan             Port        Vid
pmvlan3          23          403
pim            0    pmvlan1
Vlan             Port        Vid
pmvlan2          4           402
pmvlan3          23          403
Multicast cache distribution:
5 entries from Snooping           0 entries from MVR           1 entries from PIM
Total Cache Entries: 6

The following command displays summary cache information for VLAN pmvlan1:

# show mcast cache vlan pmvlan1 summary
Snooping/MVR Cache Timeout: 300 sec
==============MULTICAST CACHE SUMMARY==============
Multicast cache distribution:
5 entries from Snooping           0 entries from MVR           1 entries from PIM
pmvlan1: Multicast cache distribution:
0 entries from Snooping           0 entries from MVR           1 entries from PIM
Total Cache Entries: 6
Total Cache Entries for VLAN pmvlan1: 1


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.